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TSingle tripoid Tourniquet

TSingle tripoid Tourniquet


TSingle tripoid Tourniquet

Typical applications access to private offices in multi-storey office complexes. This allows visitors to enter the building with a pass that they receive from the safety table on the ground floor and have access only to that specific office. Entrance to buses and minibuses. Access to bathrooms and bathing facilities in factories with large number of workers. The biggest advantage of the mechanism is its welded monobloc construction. In some tourniquet marks, the mechanism is attached to the ratchet body by screws. In contrast, the main mechanism of Innux turnstiles is built as a single integrated block welded to the body. Due to such robust construction, there is no looing or deformation in the ratchet mechanism over time.


An Innux tourniquet can be used unidirectionally and bidirectionally due to its Electromechanic design. Steering selection can be easily configured by authorized customer security personnel. The right of access can be denied or granted remotely. All mechanical hardware and electromechanical control systems are manufactured in Innux’s own production factories.

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TSingle tripoid Tourniquet

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(+351) 229 812 220 (Porto)

(+351) 219 618 404 (Lisboa)
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